Don’t wait — start teaching your kids about money now

Simply enter your phone number below and we’ll send you regular activities to kickstart your family’s financial fun before the app even launches. It’s free to start!

Reviews and Ratings

Jace W. (11)

I learned that all my money goes somewhere. GravyStack helps me see it move and helps me make changes to help me reach my goals.

Tyler P. (14)

I learned about setting up my jars ahead of time. I like to put everything in my savings and then only move to my debit card when I need it.

Kaeden L. (12)

I have learned that you've gotta save some things, like money,  I relearn that with every game. There are some things that I need vs don't need.

Lucy P. (8)

I loved asking dad questions about subscriptions.

Dinner Table works because it’s fun

Dinner Table was designed by subject matter experts and
guided by child psychologists

GravyStack works because it’s fun
Without Dinner Table...
With GravyStack...
75% of teens learn personal finance from their parents but 77% of us adults have debt, want to earn more, and never save enough.
Learn and have fun alongside your kids!
Without GravyStack image
Around 30% of adults say debt keeps them from being able to reach their goals.
Be inspired by your kids and reach goals together.
Kids are taught about money the old way, and real learning is never caught.
Kids hold the keys to their future.
Without GravyStack image
Less than 20% of adults are confident about achieving their long-term financial goals.
Self-confidence grows amongst the entire family.
We wish we had GravyStack when we were kids.
Let’s help them succeed.
Without GravyStack image


It’s a fact that when kids are interested in the material and actively participating, they learn better.
Kids learn better through play

Real-world learning creates a lifelong impact

Kids learn better when they’re self-motivated rather than forced to learn. This is why allowance and other externally imposed systems do not work and lead to nagging, resentment, and unfulfilled promises. Dinner Table is designed to give kids agency. Kids are able to earn their own money, set their own goals, and make choices about their finances. When kids are involved in the beginning by helping to make the decisions, they are more likely to see it through to the end.

High Praise for Dinner Table

Kasaleks photo
Kaleb photo
Megan photo
Abbey photo
Stacy photo
Caleb photo


Kids crave independence. Dinner Table lets kids earn, manage, and spend their own money,
so they can feel empowered to create the life they want.
Kids learn better through play

Kids can earn money through Gigs

With Dinner Table kids can watch the money flow through their Money Machine into their Save, Spend, and Share Jars. Seeing the flow of money from beginning to end is what helps kids understand and manage it with confidence. The financial stability this skill gives kids will help them create a meaningful and fulfilled life.

Kids can watch where there money goes

The Money Machine is like a piggy bank on steroids where kids can see the flow of all their money in one place. Money flows into Save, Spend, and Share Jars. How much money goes into each Jar is controlled by the Jar’s percentage setting, which kids set up, but parents always get to approve. End-to-end visibility into their money flow is what makes finances tangible.

Kids can watch where there money goes
Automated features makes things easy for parents

Automated features makes things easy for parents

Dinner Table helps automate this part of life so that you can focus on other important things. Our Auto funding feature keeps the parent wallet full so that kids can be paid on time, while the Jar settings ensure every dollar a kid makes helps support their parent-approved financial plans and goals. And don’t forget about Gigs, which ensure kids always know what they can do to add value and earn money.

Get started with Dinner Table today.

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