Calling All Parents


Create a value system in the home, help your kids to create value in the world, and create a last name that means something


Home Economy

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Value Creation Coaching

Win the war on entitlement with your kids and teens in this step-by-step financial training guide, and
give your family financial freedom.

Foundations Workshop

This one is for the Moms and Dads. In this 6-week virtual workshop, you will learn to successfully pass on the values, skills and traits that matter most to you.

Legacy Accelerator

The 12-Month family program that sets up a strong family for generations to come: values, finances, mindsets, skills, and depth of relationship.
Learn all 18 strategies of legacy.

Corporate Training

Do your employees have a strong financial training for their whole family? Strong families equal strong businesses. Bring us in!

Dinner Table Academy

Give your clients, your employees, or start a new business in a box.
Train, retain, and automate new leads with our white labeled approach


What parents are saying

“I’m loving the fact that they’re earning their own money.”

Willardson Family

These Family Legacy strategies include much more than passing on financial assets and businesses; we intend to pass on values, beliefs and standards that give our family the integrity, skills and the character tosucceed long after we’re gone. This unites us in a purpose that lasts and brings us closer together. Best investment we've ever made!

Joanne Sykes

This training solved all of our conflict and nagging around chores and trying to motivate our kids. It's unbelievable! Our kids have taken responsibility around the house and are proactive in looking for ways to create value. From unpacking our U-Haul to fixing their own lunches, they're starting to understand and enjoy the freedoms that come with more responsibility.

Adams Family

“We’ve seen her having conversations with her younger siblings about the difference between adding value and just doing what’s expected.”
