
Gain access to expert advice and a supportive community of like-minded families, all dedicated to helping you achieve financial independence for your family.

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Made for kids ages 6 to 18

Dinner Table Parent Elite was built for families like yours

You are committed to making the most of every second you spend together as a family.

You are invested in a lifestyle of making memories that will last for generations by effectively managing your money and building strong family bonds.

  • Our easy-to-use roadmap will guide you toward success
  • Parenting shouldn’t be just about "getting through" another week of activities. Thriving as a family depends on a strong support system around every family member to help them achieve everything they desire, even when life gets tough.
  • Elite parents know that the best investment to be made is in their families and that they need help to reach their goals. The Dinner Table Parent Elite community will enable you to thrive!
You belong here

You belong here

We aren’t some gurus lecturing you from a tower of perfection; we are parents, just like you, and we are in it with you! Our goal is to serve and create a community where excellence is the expectation and we all band together to lift one another up toward achieving that goal.

If you are ready to commit to the future of your family, check it out today!

Daily Prompts

Daily Prompts:

Would you pay $1 a day for assistance and guidance on how to talk to your kids to help them learn about financial responsibility, open up about their hopes and dreams, or even just share what they loved most about the day? The power of conversation is unsurpassed when it comes to family bonding and success. Parent Elite members receive easy dinner talking points via text, so you always have something to connect over that is in line with your goals.


We cover new and important topics designed to help your family grow together every single month.

Just follow the steps for success. No guesswork, no stress.

Expert Guidance

Expert Guidance:

Monthly live video calls hosted by an expert guide give you the chance to level up your knowledge and skills, pull back the curtains on what’s working, get a front-row seat to conversations about the hottest parenting topics, and give you an opportunity to get all your questions answered.

All sessions are recorded, and your questions can be submitted beforehand if you can't make it live.


Members receive 24-7 access to our exclusive community. There you can connect with like-minded parents and hold one another accountable. You will see success stories shared and become inspired by how others are using the same tools to live their legacy now!


As a Parent Elite Member, you get:

Access to the Dinner Table app for yourself and up to 5 kids (bought separately = $228)
Access to the exclusive Parent Elite Community (Value = $300)
Custom dinner Conversations delivered to your phone daily (value = $365)
Monthly roadmaps engineered to drive you forward the simplest way possible (value = $300)
Live video call with an expert every month (value = $600)
BONUS #1 = Exclusive offers and invites only parent elite community members will get to see (Hint: it might have something to do with our live Mastermind gathering)
BONUS #2 = Access to our quarterly workshops - each a masterclass on a different topic (value = $588)

Enrollment - IN APP (coming soon)

Live Mastermind

Want to be the first to hear about our upcoming live mastermind event? Fill out the form below, and we will be sure to get you the information before we open it to the public.

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Get started with Dinner Table today.

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